Fish-N-Log Professional Suite
The most detailed fishing diary system offered!
for Windows operating systems thru Windows 10
TaySys Software offers the fisherman the most complete and feature rich set of programs available all in one package in the Fish-N-Logtm Professional Suite, a system designed by fishermen for fishermen.
The Suite contains:
Fish-N-Logtm Professional the most detailed fishing diary and analysis program offered!
Compete-N-Logtm a PERSONAL tournament scheduler, results, expenses and earnings tracking system
Equip-N-Logtm a fishing equipment management and maintenance system with a to-do reminder calendar.
Look at some of the features in the Suite
- Detail Weather Conditions of Your Fishing Trips!
Enter the date and location of your trip, the weather and water condions, solunar times, seasonal fishing time (Spring, Summer, Fall, Spawn, Post-Spawn, etc), moon phase, barometer, and more. - Detail Your Catch Results Down to the Time-of-Day!
Enter the time-of-day, area fished, type of structure, number and species caught, method and tackle used, type and color of lure, detail any weather and water conditions as it changes throughout the day. - Detail Your Fishing Patterns!
Enter the productive or un-productive descriptions of your fishing patterns. Associate the pattern with a species of fish and optionally any of your catch details. - You can draw, edit, and print maps of your favorite lakes or locations.
Use the built-in Window’s Paintbrush or your own graphics editing program to easily create or edit a map. Make notations where areas are and where you have caught fish in the past. If you have a scanner available, scan an existing map and import it into the system by associating it with a location. You may associate as many maps as you wish with a location, allowing you to further details specific fishing spots. - Query All of the Information Over Any Timeframe
The Query Wizard will help you to build a series of statements that allows you to access your catch details, fishing patterns and/or detailed notes looking for specific situations or combinations of conditions for any period of time. - Summary and Graphical Analysis
The Summary and Graphical Analysis feature will allow you to target specific locations, optionally set a species of fish, a fishing season, a specific month or range of month then collate your catch details to display or print the most productive fishing areas, fishing methods, baits and lures and times-of-day. Totals will also be shown for moon phases, water temperature ranges, and productive situations for the biggest fish. - The Travel Log
You have the option to detail travel information about your fishing locations including prime contacts, accommodations, restaurants, emergency information. - The Compete-N-Logtm
offers a tournament fisherman the ability to track their personal tournament schedule through a fishing season. It allows for tracking as many tournament circuits as is established either individually or together. It will also allow for tracking tournament results, expenses and earnings. - Equip-N-Logtm
the fisherman’s fishing equipment manager. It allows for categorizing the equipment, detailing descriptions and other information, distributors, manufacturers, purchases, repairs and maintenance, To-Do lists, and maintenance reminders.
and there is a whole lot more!
Ready to Order?
Take the competitive advantage back by putting the details at your fingertips with the
just $49.95

Read what others have had to say
If you are serious about improving your fishing success, keep a computer log. For more than a dozen years I have been using the TaySys Fish-N-Log software, and it is the finest on the market. In just a few minutes you can record detailed notes, weather and water conditions, successful tackle and techniques, and organize all your data so that it is easy to retrieve. Whenever I go fishing, I first review my Fish-N-Log notes to remind me where to fish, what type of cover is preferred, and which techniques will work. I guarantee you will continue to improve your skills if you use the Fish-N-Log!
Marc Marcantonio
Professional Bass Fisherman
Thanks Bob. I cannot fish effectively without this tool. Great work!
Jim H., CA.
I have checked out other software and Yours by far covers everything that a fisherman needs. I have to truly say you by far have the Best Customer Service of any of the other companies that I have had the un-pleasure of doing business with. Keep up the great service.
Roger F.
I’m enjoying your Fish-N-Log program just as much as the first day I got it. Probably more as I am finally getting enough information entered to start seeing patterns develop. Really blows your mind the things it points out that would slip by otherwise. Hope you have been getting some inquires concerning it as I plug it every chance I get to people asking about fishing programs on Bass Fishing Home Page.
Keep up the good work Bob. I’ve downloaded numerous so called “Fishing Logs” since my purchase in 1998 to compare with yours. Two words – Nothing Compares!!Andy W., GA.
Still Not Convinced?
Try the Fish-N-Logtm Professional Suite FREE for 30-days
Download a fully functional copy of the Fish-N-Logtm Professional Suite and try it FREE for 30-days. See why so many fishermen rate this Suite of programs as the best package to track and analyze their fishing results. Order on-line and receive the activation codes to unlock the Suite and continue to enjoy all the features.

Are You Ready to Order Now?
The Fish-N-Logtm Professional Suite is your gateway to fishing success.
only $49.95

Call (707) 616-5946
Best Regards,
Bob Taylor
Taysys Software